About 15 years ago, the common retirement dream was to retire early.  It wasn’t uncommon for people in the their late 50s to pull the trigger and retire.  But that trend has been waning over the years.  More and more, we are seeing clients opt to work later in life.  Some find passion jobs that they truly enjoy, such as working for a non profit that supports a cause that they hold dear.  Others become successful entrepreneurs.  Still others, keep their existing job but retool it to better suite themselves, such as working part time or do job-sharing.

It turns out, that our own observations are reflective of several polls and surveys that have been released.  Here are some interesting findings:

  • 3 out of 4 Americans plan to work beyond traditional retirement age
  • 40% of respondents said they plan to retire after age 65
  • 44% of respondents said they would work part-time because they want to (up from 34% in 2013)

If you’re interested in reading more about this growing trend, this article is very interesting.