We’re very excited to announce that another financial advisor has joined the Wealth Strategies Team. Kari McLeod has been a financial advisor for over five years, and has close to 20 years in the retirement & investment management industry. She primarily focuses on helping women entrepreneurs and those in a life transition such as a divorce or widowed.

As traditional partner roles evolve and financial literacy continues to become more available, Kari focuses on empowering and guiding clients with knowledge and the tools to build a more secure financial future. She uses her experience in retirement & estate planning to build strong, long-lasting client relationships based on dedication, approachability, and execution.

Over the last six months, we have been discussing these themes with many of our clients. The notion of advisors with similar values and philosophies working together is rather new in our industry. There are so many complicated and nuanced areas of knowledge in the fields of investment management, taxation, financial planning, economics, insurance, and estate planning, that many of the best advisory firms are coalescing around a shared vision of helping clients by teaming together. Similar to what has developed in healthcare, where specialists have emerged to primarily focus on serving those with intricate needs, the concept of having in-house specialists working in a coordinated fashion is our goal. By teaming together, we can provide a higher quality of service, solve more problems, and ultimately better help our clients on how to best address each component of their complex financial needs.

We want to be a pioneer in our industry and Kari brings a terrific and new perspective to our team.

We look forward to having you meet and get to know Kari. She can be reached at kari@ol-advisors.com or 800-525-9295.



Members of the Wealth Strategies Team:
Cliff Jarvis
Ronald Lecours
Michael Lecours
Kari McLeod
Hal Rives