We continue sharing a collection of charts with you that we find particularly interesting. These charts identify investment and economic trends in the markets.

Outside of the United States, stock markets in both the developed and emerging countries have recovered from the COVID-19 panic from last March, however their returns have lagged behind the U.S. stock market. Accordingly, their price/earnings ratios and valuations are lower and may be an interesting opportunity.

Here in the U.S. we tend to focus on our domestic market at the expense of investing overseas. Of course, investing overseas is more difficult, but there are many highly regarded mutual funds that provide access.

The current edition reviews the following:
  • The price/earnings and valuation levels of these overseas markets.
  • *The U.S. stock market forward valuation to compare to other world indexes.

As always, know what you own, do no overinvest, and stick with quality.

-Cliff Jarvis

Download the March Chartbook