Are you hunting for last minute ideas and strategies to reduce your tax bill? If so, consider spending that time preparing to reduce your tax bill for next year. It will be a lot more productive to take steps now that could reduce the tax bill for 2016 than to trying to hunt for some donation receipt. Here are a few strategies to consider going forward:

Get a handle on your income tax brackets: If you convert a portion of your IRA into a Roth, or you periodically cash in savings bonds, or if you have a taxable investment account or you can control when you recognize income, it’s critical that you understand your income tax bracket thresholds and plan throughout the year. Recognizing income (through a conversion or sale) can bump you up into a higher tax bracket and you end up paying more in taxes. Sometimes that tax can be steep and costly, affecting your income taxes, your social security taxation, and even your Medicare premiums!

Tax Loss Harvesting: If you have a taxable account, you are well aware of how frustrating it is to own an investment with a huge unrealized gain and don’t want to sell it because of the tax it will generate. The solution is to sell it in coordination with one or several investments that have underperformed. The gain and loss can offset each other. 2015 was a particularly great year to do tax loss harvesting, but we won’t be that lucky in the future.

Gifting Strategies: If you’re charitably inclined, consider giving gifts of appreciated stock. You get a tax deduction AND avoid paying capital gains on the stock. If you’re over 70.5, you can make direct charitable contributions from your IRA which can offset your annual Required Minimum Distribution.