Doom-and-Gloomers Have It Wrong

The stock market didn’t crash. The economy didn’t collapse. The government didn’t default. The Euro didn’t fail. The inflation rate didn’t turn into hyperinflation.   And yet, every time we turn on the TV, all we see are more dark clouds looming in the distance,...

Bonds and then Bonds.

The Federal Reserve responded to the financial crisis by dropping interest rates to zero (ZIRP) and by buying massive quantities of bonds and thus flooding the banks with newly created cash. We were told it would short lived. However, five plus years later it is still...

Why I Hate Headlines

With headlines like “Stocks hit all time high”, “Breaking Records: Dow and S&P 500”, or “It Looks Like The Economy is About To Roar”, you might expect to see a remarkable chart showing lots of growth. But not this time.  Far from it. After a stellar 2013, the US...