The Art & Science of Investing: Bonds

In our previous post, we explored the high-level art versus science debate that is occurring in the finance community and how it impacts equity valuations.  This post delves into some of the issues as they relate to bonds and fixed income. Although the bond markets...

The Art of Investing: Stocks

In our previous post, we explored the high-level art versus science debate that is occurring in the finance community.  This post delves into some of the issues as they relate to equities. The Science Argument: Valuation. There is a camp of investment managers who...


I thought I would do a review of recent earnings of the S&P 500. Recall that earnings* for the 500  largest U.S. companies, the S&P 500,  are reported in two ways.  The first is GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) earnings. This number is the one...

Italy, Again, Still

“……the bad-loan problem is mainly due to a 25 percent plunge in industrial output in the six years through 2014. Italy’s GDP remains about 8 percent below its pre-crisis peak reached in 2007.” (link) Back in 2012 and 2013, I wrote that the European common currency,...